
  I think it might be a bit early to be daydreaming about poolside cocktail parties and cruises down the Mexican Riviera. well, I came across this independent designer and started doing just that. maybe the price tag on these lil numbers leave a lot to be desired, but the modern glamour does not.
some time ago I started a frivolous collection of eyecandy swimsuits circa 1950's. There is something magical about a swimsuit dripping with sequins and gold lame. Im also a huge fan of white suits for basking in the sun with an umbrella hangin out the side of your drink. Until this collection, ive never really been drawn to black swimsuits. Im a pale white girl, and having the highest color contrast with the most amount of exposed skin has never really been too flattering on me.

But, wow. How could you resist? Start daydreaming...now.


lovey the most post

  im not sure im an artist, but im positive im artistic. i love crafting and painting, fashion styling and photography, paper craft and mixed media. i could go on...  i know there will be a day sooner or later (please lord, sooner) that ill have a little corner and little time all to myself. fabric swatches, magazine clippings and paints piled high. maybe then ill know for sure.
   its a wonder i havnt already thrown my espresso dusted hands up in the air and declared~  "that triple shot isnt real ambition, sir! let me show ya what it looks like!!!" thats when i untie my apron strings and haul my cookies on out the door, ready to embark on what (i imagine) is the life of an artful blogger~ time allotted for taking sweet pictures of fresh made, hand decorated cupcakes. a post about an illustration that has just been published. "oh!, a new ad campaign full of wit and style? why, yes i AM the one for the job...".
  but in the meantime...day job still intact, what do i do with all this inspiration? how much can one person store before it becomes lost forever? i have the worst memory... and everything inspires me. as it is now i have more bookmarks in my toolbar than i can even scroll through. so whats a girl to do?... love. post. and repeat!
  sometimes it feels like im wearing aesthetic goggles in day-glow mode. i see so many glorious things! things to buy, things to make, things that just leave one in awe. if i dont immediately fall head over hills for something, it becomes somewhat of a domino effect... i love this, but what if it was like this...and had this, and so on.  i have little stacks of favorite things bundled together to (someday) become completely reinvented. (side note: soon we will refer to this habit as framework friday.)
my hope for this little blog is to get a bit organized, inspire, be inspired, and make like~minded friends along the way. i welcome you to pull up a chair and keep me company while i attempt just that. have you ever had a friend with so many fun things, that whenever they did their spring cleaning you didnt want to miss it??  i hope this will be kinda like that! im always digging through my old and new favorites and id love to share what i find! lets trade some, huh? well, lets get started!!

  so... for my very first lovey post it only makes since that i would blog about one of my very favorites. artist, fashion lovey and source for all things cutey p'tooty is the beautiful  shan shan creating all sorts of must have textiles and be seen styling under the moniker, tinytoadstool

  her blog is full of great fashion finds from designer and vintage to handmade digs ala etsy. her handiwork includes dreamy nordic mittens and 'toadstool' hats. to date shan shan has three etsy shops (here, here & here) and an ongoing blog of fashion and projects ~just a peek at them will tie up your entire afternoon. shes a great photographer, an excellent textile artist and has style for miles.  learn more about shan's personal style and favorites in this interview over at LOOKBOOK. the thing i think is great about shan is her death defying balance. it seems there is a great comfort level in all she touches. her keen ability to mix a proper tailored look seamlessly with couture frou frou are never overdone or worse, boring! my personal taste is somewhere between little jimmy dickens and marie antoinette, so im loving the crash course shan gives in finding a good medium and still being cute as hell. she is a budding textile artist and teacher with the best woolen accessories. unique, fun and whimsical. i cant tell you how bad i want a pair of her mittens! check out her shops and her blog for some inspiration, goods, and wardrobe refinement!